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  1. E

    Will I be ok?

    @pleasant Yeah I bring him into bed the second half of the night and it definitely helps although I feel like I sleep better with him in his cot next to me. I guess I’m lucky he does 3-4 pretty often then! Although the rest of the night is often 1-2 hour chunks. So your daughter is still...
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    Will I be ok?

    @mshade Haha same! Very similar. But yours is approaching 2 so hopefully she’ll start to sleep better soon. 🤞
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    Will I be ok?

    @mshade Oh I go to bed pretty much the same time as him so that helps haha. Glad to hear you’re coping ok. How often is your bub waking up at 20 months?
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    Will I be ok?

    @aaronlove Thanks so much for sharing your experience and for the encouragement! I’m feeling heaps better about it all today after reading these responses.
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    Will I be ok?

    @aaronlove Wow you had a really rough time, thank you for sharing. I do feel encouraged! I also go to bed soon after baby does and try to be ready for sleep when I’m nursing him to sleep. I hope you start to recover soon. So it was a gradual improvement for your daughter after 6 months?
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    Will I be ok?

    @animore Yeah those longer stretches really help me too! I hope it continues for you! 🤞
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    Will I be ok?

    @klsmo3 Thank you, Im glad it’s getting better for you and I hope some of these replies were helpful to read. I think we went through the 4 month sleep regression at 3.5 months and he’s had long stretches since then it’s just super random! But at least they help me recover. We’ll get there! 💕
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @trends Wow good on you for sticking to your guns!
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    Will I be ok?

    @dwhite081705 That’s encouraging thank you! I guess I was worried I’d slowly deteriorate but I do feel surprisingly ok most days. I think the breast feeding hormones help and I’m lucky to not be working atm.
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @amanda911 Yep even if you call Ngala for support they’ll promote drowsy but awake which is so unrealistic for a lot of babies & just causes more anxiety when it doesn’t work. Great if it does but I hate that it’s seen as the norm.
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    Will I be ok?

    @messagesoflove Oof that sounds so tough. Ive been there with the nausea during the 4 month sleep regression/progression. I hope things shift for you soon! I agree there’s no rhyme or reason to it sometimes. It’s definitely normal & you’re doing an amazing job making your bub feel safe. I often...
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    Will I be ok?

    @gracesavedmess That’s a lovely approach 😊
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    Will I be ok?

    @gracesavedmess That’s encouraging to hear thank you. What was your sleep set up from 2-5 years?
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    Will I be ok?

    @willow_the_seagull Thank you, that’s encouraging. I’m glad to hear it’s a gradual thing.
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    Will I be ok?

    @wayne2069 Thanks so much for the encouragement. That would be amazing! I can honestly deal with a couple of wake ups so that’s not a problem if he doesn’t sleep through by then just hoping it will gradually improve. I’ve made it this far! 😆 I’m hoping it’s a good sign he “sleeps through”...
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    Will I be ok?

    @godismyjoy For sure, that makes sense. That’s tough I’m sorry about that. I won’t lie it has increased my anxiety to hear this.
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    Will I be ok?

    @godismyjoy Oh wow more than 10 wake ups?! Of course you’re not ok you poor thing. Has his sleep always been that bad? Im sure you’ve explored all this but have you gotten him checked for ENT issues?
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    Will I be ok?

    @starsilver117 For sure, thank you. 🙏 🙂
  19. E

    Will I be ok?

    Bub is 5.5 months and I’m averaging 6-7 hours of broken sleep usually but not always with 1 x 3-4 hour stretch, occasionally 6 hours+. I’d just love some reassurance that he will sleep better eventually and that my body and brain will recover from the lack of sleep and be ok one day. I...
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    “JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

    @evanlooksuptothealmighty Thankyou for saying this. I HATE it when I say I was so tired last night I slept 10 hours or napped or whatever (first trimester) & people say enjoy it while you can. Like no! It’s not enjoyable being so fatigued & nauseas that all I want to do it sleep and thanks for...