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  1. C

    One or two (finances, real estate, health)?

    35F with 36M husband and almost 15 month old son. We rent a 2BR apartment in an NJ suburb close to where I work as a teacher. Husband is a senior software engineer who is currently laid off for the 3rd time in 3 years (yay startups). We are hoping he can land another remote position, as working...
  2. C

    Should we have #2 at 40M/37F with a 7 year old?

    @treadstone I think you have good reasons for being OAD, and it sounds to me like you primarily want to have a second child for your current child’s benefit and not for your own. You didn’t mention longing for a baby, only that “everyone else is doing it”. It seems quite clear to me (and this...