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    We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

    @youcantsitwithus How and when did you introduce the big kid bed? We have coslept since day one and don’t have a crib or bed or anything but I’m wondering when we should work on setting up a room for her and at least doing naps in there to start.
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    I usually love sweet cozy cosleeping with my toddler…except when she eats beans for dinner and spends the night farting

    P.U. Get me outta here.
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    Safely co sleeping

    @port41919 Seconding having her sleep on the outside. Put your bed against the wall and have her be between you and the wall. It’s easier to keep blankets and pillows away that way too. And just keep her in pjs no sacks or wraps and you’ll be ok! We’ve coslept that way since 2 weeks old!