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  1. N

    Help with this line from the separation agreement?

    @becausehefirstlovedus Totally agree with all you said here - thanks for elaborating. I do happen to agree with you that memorable experiences like you describe are reasonable. School isn’t the only place we learn and grow - sorry that you’re in this situation. I would definitely seek advice...
  2. N

    My colleague likes to comment on my pumping. He doesn’t know I’m going to be his boss starting in October

    @katrina2017 Idk why but the image of OP with her backpack in her business casual dress walking through some corporate office stopping dead in her tracks by Thad’s dumb question, rolling her eyes ever so slightly as she turns to his open office door and then just completely DEADPAN saying “I’m...
  3. N

    Help with this line from the separation agreement?

    @becausehefirstlovedus The phrasing of your OP doesn’t make it sound like you agree. You said you are “constantly” denied. Do you “constantly” (or even frequently) have family emergencies necessitating your children miss school? There shouldn’t even be “occasional” instances of a family...