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    Is having a second kid really worth all the trouble? It looks exponentially harder to go from 1 to 2 kids than zero to 1.

    @stephcastro10 I have two 3 year age gaps and I would absolutely recommend a minimum of 3 years if not 4! If the older child is more independent, able to somewhat dress themselves, potty trained, it’s so much easier. And they are usually at a point where they are interested in babies and like to...
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    How are y’all building cooperative relationships?

    @yesterday987g Mine is 2.5 and loves to resist stuff like this too. Brushing teeth, diapers, ugh. What works best is usually some sort of bribe (that’s acceptable to me) like “oh hey it’s time for a snack, let’s do your diaper and then get that.” Or I give a choice like I am going to change...
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    0 to 1 child, or 1-2 children? Which was a harder transition for you?

    @katrina2017 I felt the same way as you. Now they’re giggling chasing each other around and it’s beyond adorable. I cannot imagine I was ever worried about it (but I totally get it). Until someone gets pushed over. Sigh.
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    Will I be ok?

    @eric2015 I was seriously worried too!
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    0 to 1 child, or 1-2 children? Which was a harder transition for you?

    @andy1993 0-1 was so hard. So hard. 1-2 was waaayyy easier. I’d say the difference for me is the first one was more mental work/distress/worry, and my life was incredibly disrupted. I felt like half the days I was trapped inside trying to get her to nap. I had to cope with feeling like a...
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    Will I be ok?

    @eric2015 With that schedule I was okay for 2 years, and really I felt decent! I had add an extra cup of coffee. My health hasn’t been negatively affected as far as I know anyway. It got to the point when my kids did start sleeping that I didn’t even feel that different. But, if they had a bad...
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    Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

    @benzohar Absolutely I understand what you’re going through, my first kid had like 2 tantrums between ages 2-3. My son has them daily, I swear. He just turned 3. Here’s what works- 1. ignore him and put him him a safe place and let it burn out, checking in periodically, wearing earplugs. But if...
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    Favorite parenting resources for boomer grandparents?

    @wwwhhh Have they expressed interest in learning these things?
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 I weaned over a month slowly cutting feeds, just because of how obsessed with nursing my daughter was. So by the end she wasn’t looking for the boob anymore. I am not sure what your supply will look like. I know some babies do reverse cycling where they don’t nurse during the day and...
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 Two babies, both breastfed and bedsharing. Night feeds really didn’t change much from 4 months on. Every 2-3 hours. It’s still like that with my second who is 16 months, and it was like that with my daughter until we weaned at 2. Occasionally longer stretches but not very often...
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    Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

    @tisanewseason Hey that’s what I did. With both of my kids. I wanted them to have a good nap. I LOVED toddler contact naps. It’s just peaceful, it’s bonding. You won’t get that time back and I don’t regret it! Even with two kids. Set up the older child with something to do, grab a coffee and a...
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    SAHP guilt... I feel like I’m not pulling my weight

    @atlas2023 I expected to get so much done staying at home, and my baby didn’t have the medical issues on top of it! I really think that until at least a year old, I was just trying to take care of the baby. My husband would do a lot- dishes and laundry, and going out to pick up food as my...
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    Increasing milk supply

    @jaj What about no bake cookies?
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    Nursing tank recommendations (no clips!$

    @susannjenga I agree, stretchy Walmart tops are the best!
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @y0ung1996 Sleep is really developmental! Around age 2 my two kids were sleeping through the night, and night weaning happened pretty easily. My daughter was still in my bed until age 5, and I don’t regret a second actually. Sometimes she still falls asleep with me and it makes me so...
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    Increasing milk supply

    @awefactory It was a game changer for me! I’m like Hmm how can I make this more fatty…😂
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    Increasing milk supply

    @chelseyylynn44 Oatmeal and Gatorade have always increased my supply. My fave oatmeal is with raspberries, brown sugar, a splash of milk, and cream cheese. 😋
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    Increasing milk supply

    @pwl This is a really good point. I feel like I notice a difference when I eat these foods, which might help if you need a boost because you’re pumping more often (and pumps don’t work as well as the baby). But I don’t think if someone struggles with supply in general that they’re just not...
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    Night weaning reassurance needed

    @bandit I also question the “weaning helps with solids” advice. Breastmilk digests pretty quickly anyway so I don’t know why she’d be overly full in the morning. My kids both nursed all night as babies and they are clearly still hungry in the AM. Could there be food aversions going on that...
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    16-month-old still nursing overnight

    @benfje401 Yeah mine nursed overnight until age 2 when I intentionally weaned just because I was over it. They slept through after that.