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  1. D

    5 year old with a Binky

    @willowyse It is embarrassing, I didn't want to say it like that but it's the truth
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    5 year old with a Binky

    @willowyse So me being bothered by this isn't making me the "evil stepmom?" Lmao I feel awful that I am like THE ONLY person who cares about stopping this. I feel like it will hurt her both physically and mentally and that's the exact problem- they can't say no. But at what point are you hurting...
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    5 year old with a Binky

    @sunflower063 That's interesting, because she gets sick a LOT, specifically with upper respiratory issues
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    5 year old with a Binky

    @mr_unemployed I hated the idea of being the 'bad guy' but if it means her health I'm just gonna have to start doing it
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    5 year old with a Binky

    @mcjudge She has not been to a therapist. I wouldn't even say she has anxiety. I can't tell if it's a "I want to stay a baby" thing, a control thing or a straight addiction
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    5 year old with a Binky

    @mcjudge She doesn't need it at all. And I have no issue with her screaming hell, I'll stay up all night with her for a few days if I have to- she'll get over it eventually. But it's like....that's what I would do. Idk if it's fucked for me to do it to someone else's kid. Like if its her safety...
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    5 year old with a Binky

    @mcjudge They stopped letting her take it to school at least but she's got it before after and whenever in between.
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    5 year old with a Binky

    @mcjudge That was my main concern and according to mom they said her teeth are perfect, but (not trying to be an asshole at all, just frustrated this is the adults fault at this point) she seems to be picking up a bit of a speech impediment because of it
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    5 year old with a Binky

    My fiances 5F little one will not drop the binky would have it in her mouth ALL DAY if she could. I've never seen this and her mom/grandma continues to pack one for her when she sleeps over like I feel like a monster telling her no but it enrages me. We don't want to traumatize her...