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  1. M

    I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

    @podpkid Glad to be to be of any help! When my libido suffered I felt a little broken for a while, but my boyfriend was understanding/supportive and I still very much enjoyed his company. Not gonna say it didn't throw us through a rough patch for a bit, but despite the sucky situation it did...
  2. M

    I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

    @charmaine93 Well, it certainly can affect your libido, but if it's to the point where you don't even really care to visit/see him anymore, maybe you need to reevaluate the relationship. I had a lower libido when I first got the nexplanon implant ( I later switched to an iud) but it was never...