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  1. Q

    Help coping with the judgement

    @onetech We always get really religious about it which makes people uncomfortable. “We are open to any of the lives God blesses us with.” stares
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    Help coping with the judgement

    @carlee I don’t understand how every boomer in my family has four+ siblings but won’t stop asking me aRe YoU dONe HaViNg KiDs YeT?!?
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    3.5yo, 2yo and NB? Am I crazy?

    @angeliabell I have a 5, 4, 3, and 1 year old. We both work as teachers and have no family help. It was a bit crazy when we had 3 under 3 and I briefly lost my mind. But now that they are a little older it’s phenomenal. The older three are super close and play together well. They have the same...
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    Van vs SUV vs minivan?

    @kathyparkar1 But what about when they are home in summer? Kids brining friends along? In laws? I dunno, I’d stick with the van.
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    Who should share a room?

    @silverblack59 My parents were in this situation. Boy got his own room because he was a boy. Two girls shared and one had her own room. The girl who got her own room rotated every six months. The room switch day was also an excuse to deep clean those rooms twice a year.
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ktfw Ours has two latches 🤷‍♀️
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ktfw I’m not sure I understand the issue. Is it that you can’t fit the car seats into the row? Or you can’t fit back there to get them in?
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ktfw We have this van and four kids under five. We took the head rests off the captains chairs and the 4 and 3 year old sit in the back. This allows you to stand on the edge and reach back to buckle them up. It’s tough but not impossible. The newborn and 2 year old sit in the bucket seats.
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    How can you afford it?

    @puddingtader A lot of these people will also tell you that it’s child abuse to have children share a room or “parentification” to ask older kids to do basic household tasks. I live in a low COL area in the Midwest and most families at my parish have at least three kids, but plenty of us have...
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    Age gap between #2 and #3?

    @jojoz I did 3 under 3. (12 month gap between 1&2, 15 month gap between 2&3). If you are already doing 2 under 2, you can handle it. You’ll have at least two years of pure chaos but it get significantly easier
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    Baby #4??

    @kaleandcoffee My in laws had two older girls, a six year break, and then my husband. They always regretted not having one more