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  1. M

    Sometimes I feel like I am just bankrolling my husband’s identity crisis

    @goldensleather It sounds like your husband has never lived as a single adult. He doesn't know how. He needs therapy or a career coach. There are lots of paths to different kinds of medical work other than going back to medical school. He could pursue nursing, physicians assistant, or even...
  2. M

    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @activewear This. OP: working part time is *not* "stay at home mom". That's doing shift work to accommodate your spouse's career. Please be clear that you are committing to far more than full-time work in this plan. When the baby wakes in the middle of the night, who will care for it? When...
  3. M

    Sanity check- s*xually active teen daughter

    @sandgroper101 Suppose that OP talked with his ex, and his ex said, "no, absolutely not, do not give condoms to our daughter." Then what? I think OP probably threaded the needle better by setting himself up to ask forgiveness rather than asking permission. Edited to add: I know it is scary...
  4. M

    Sanity check- s*xually active teen daughter

    @deanerenata32 Your kid trusted you enough to ask for help with getting protection. You would have broken that trust if you had talked to your ex about it. Does your ex *really* think that you would have stopped the teenagers from having sex by denying them condoms? Because the evidence...