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    ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

    @hancha But part of the problem is that that early data was based on very few kids getting infected, because schools were closed. Transmission in schools also cause community spread. That’s why schools have had vaccine mandates for decades. They also made those decisions based on economic...
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    What evidence is there that repeated COVID infections won’t negatively impact a child’s health over time?

    @lionheartiv My kid didn’t go into a pool until 2 either and now at 3.5 is finally doing swimming lessons and having fun with it. Maybe your kid just doesn’t love the water. That’s okay. You can try again next year or the following year and it’ll be fine. I sure as hell didn’t have swimming...
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    ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

    @hancha I would also add that where I live, taking away masking policies in schools dramatically increased cases…until the government stopped tracking cases in schools. The lockdowns were necessary because we had no idea what we were dealing with. We now know that it’s airborne. Clean air in...
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    What evidence is there that repeated COVID infections won’t negatively impact a child’s health over time?

    @lionheartiv Isn’t the underlying problem you described just a lack of (paid) parental leave for parents of babies/young toddlers? You don’t need to mask at home with family. In Canada we can have mat/parental leave up to 18 months. You’re not required to bring them to baby activities etc and...
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    ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

    @hancha Is every child infected with measles going to die? No, but we still try to eradicate that virus.
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    ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

    @churchface The other angle is that her questionable opinions and the way she’s funded make it morally irresponsible to support her.
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 Are there any basic local parks and recreation ballet or dance classes? In my experience they're not as hardcore...
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    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @trandraskell I would not let a stranger watch my baby. Maybe if it was the clinic’s staff. But goddamn I have not lived through this pandemic to have some stranger give my child their germs. In any case, my kid would have thrown a fit at a stranger holding her without me in sight when she was a...
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    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @lookintochat Yep. We have a national $10/day daycare program, but the provinces have to implement it and ours has done a terrible job of it and made it really cumbersome for daycares to apply. Even then, there’s very little standardization so some aren’t as nice as others.
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    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @lookintochat Yeah. I’m in Canada and there’s overlap of issues but it’s obviously different in terms of mat/parental leave, but we also have a lot of daycare struggles and are far from universal.
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    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @brendawwentz What country is this for? And will the subreddit be exclusive to one location/country?
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    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    @perrero I think only you can know how your little one will take it, truly. Some kids might be fine but others would absolutely be messed up about it for a while. My kiddo would have been really upset even that that age, I think. Even now a year older and a weekend away is stressful for all...
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    ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

    @churchface But they’re not contrasting that with years of life lost via long term health conditions developed as a result of covid, or from family members dying or having lifelong health complication from covid infections. Like, what do you want to bet the kid with one dead parent and the other...
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    ParentData is expanding and hiring a writer

    @churchface The idea that lockdowns did more damage is bonkers, and based on no empirical evidence, especially given how uneven “lockdowns” were. In many cases they were, maximum, a couple months. By like May/June 2020 it seemed like most of the US was back to normal. Children can get long...