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    Prince Lionheart + cloth wipes - bacteria concerns?

    @jean100 We too. Also we don't bother with warming the water, unless it's a blowout size type of poo (but then we more or less dunk his lower half into the wash basin, filled with warm water) But I'd say a thermos with warm water would Work?
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    Thinking about going full formula

    @dakuyz You've got prmission to quit. Now.
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    Thinking about going full formula

    @illuminaticlub Yes, this. No one ever said "Hey mum, you're the worst parent ever cause you didn't breastfeed me!" 😂
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    6 month eating from syringe, fights bottle.

    @prophoss Hmmm I had to look at a bottle to see how much 5 oz is 😂 my 10 months old drinks 6 oz at most (before starting solids, even less). And he's content with a low flow nipple
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    RTF formula: is it really necessary for newborns

    @aliemikeyj Even the hospital (German) didn't have RTF, they mixed it from powder. There was a designated "Milk Kitchen" next to the Newborn Unit/ NICU where obv somebody mixed all the needed formula for the day every morning...