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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @daniel1970 Thank you 🙏🏼 I’m doing the best I can to be patient, understanding, and not reacting. It just hurts my heart 😞
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @starbright8000 Wow, BOTH of your parents sound exactly like mine. I was a rebellious teen, hell I even got knocked up at 16. The difference between me and my parents though is, I’ve been actively working on my trauma so that my child doesn’t go through the same thing or worse. I’m in...
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @josh437781 Thanks for the reply. I understand why you’d think that way considering the small picture I’ve given. But at my house and office there are rules. He is responsible for making his bed, grooming himself, cleaning up after himself, making his lunch, throwing the trash out, washing...
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @ghagfors Thanks. We have been in family counseling since June.
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @heartthatlongs He’s had three this week, and I have live footage 🎥. It’s my amo. I don’t want to be cruel and put him on blast, but it’s there just in case 😂😂😂
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @el_help_me 😂😂😂 Yeah, and he made his voice all tough guy deep lol. Like, little boy, who do you think you are? 😂 I totally agree 100% on the need of a masculine figure. I’ve been doing it on my own as a woman and have tried finding role models in: Friends and Family, multiple Sports...
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @spacenl My son basically glorifies, defends him to the end, and wouldn’t dare disrespect him. Although we were young parents, his dad has never grown up and never taken responsibility. He is an alcoholic, has been unemployed for most of our son’s life and hasn’t made a serious effort to...
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @coreybum Thanks for the info. It makes sense. We are very close, so it’s hard not to take it personally, but I’ll work on that. I appreciate your response 💕
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @levarchknight Thanks for the reply and for your empathy. I’ve been in individual therapy for over a year, and we’ve been in family therapy since June. I’m doing DBT and it’s helped tremendously with not reacting. Through our family therapy program, it will transition to individual for him...
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @katrina2017 That sounds so tough especially with three! I can’t even imagine. Mine refused to give me the phone last night, so I was trying to lock it from my phone. He kept following me and cornering me around the lobby. I went to my office to lock myself in there and he pushed his way...
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @katrina2017 Thanks 🙏🏼That’s what I’ve noticed too. It turns them into monsters. I let it slide because it was Saturday, but no more. And after he pulled that crap, the phone and games are completely gone for a month.
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @el_help_me That sounds wonderful, thanks for sharing. I’ll check it out 😊
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @hadassahme THANK YOU 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 The privileges have been stripped. And I totally get it about the adult feeling grounded haha. But I’m going to take the Xbox and hook it up in my locked office so I can watch Netflix or whatever else tickles my fancy.🤣 All he has left is a pile of books that I’ve...
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @thebiblealone Thank you for your comforting reply 💕 Yes, I am his safe space. He usually is with me 90% of the time. He acts like a complete angel with the other family, so when I bring up issues like this, they don’t believe me or try to make it sound like I’m too hard on him. Thanks, I’ve...
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @strongasicanbe Thank you 🙏🏼 you all are so supportive and making me feel better. Hugs back to you 💕
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    ***Long Post*** 13yo Son said to Me “I hate you, you f*cking b*tch.” First time he’s cursed at me

    @fauekie I’ve been practicing being kinder and more loving when he’s having a hard time, but this is outright disrespect. Especially for everything I do for him, mostly by myself! In the tantrum he yelled “Why do you do this to me?! Why do you hate me so much?” When his dad’s family has him...