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    4 year twin boys....

    @lilmomma0727 Get ready, something switches in their Brains. Crazy growth period that they just don't know how to handle or process. My friends says it's a phase.
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    4 year twin boys....

    @dreamer6424 Like today my "older one" looked at me with a blank stare and just yelled at the top of his lungs literally out of nowhere becuase i asked him to put his legos back. The "younger one" wanted a snack before dinner was ready, I said dinner will be ready in 2 minutes, I'll put your...
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    4 year twin boys....

    @sam26 I know mine are still 4... but man the amount of dangerous stupid shit they try everyday. I work full time at home so I'm here helping my wife. But yeah these guys are just trying to unalive themselves non stop!
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    4 year twin boys....

    @jpf Just wait until they start talking, become super mobile, constantly trying dangerous things.. enjoy this time! Terrible twos aren't terrible at all.
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    4 year twin boys....

    @newlyrestoredgospel777 It really is, the tantrums coming out of nowhere, things that were totally fine before are triggers for instant meltdowns.... I look at my wife and we're like wtf how did we end up here. They were angels last year at this time!!!
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    4 year twin boys....

    @amielynn Thankfully sleep is one thing that has always been consistent. They sleep 12 hours a night every night.
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    4 year twin boys....

    @jezmeyah I dunno man, they're like completely different people.
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    4 year twin boys....

    @damynghe0021 I hope it's short phase. I get their brains are going through alot right now... but holy shit...
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    4 year twin boys....

    @centerofwealth They're so perfect when they're small. Now they say no to everything, epic meltdowns, they fight with each other. Literally a switch was turned on two months ago after their birthday. I miss them when they were two :(
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    4 year twin boys....

    @mattbraunlin Just venting.
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    4 year twin boys....

    @steve3 So much change in the last few months. 4 year Olds are difficult.
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    4 year twin boys....

    @wizardbizzom Yess!!! This today was freaking insane in particular.
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    4 year twin boys....

    . Our boys just turned 4 and yeah..... now they insist on.... if it was yes before now it's... we used to be able to....... they push all of our.... i cant even explain.... things that were easy are now.....if its dangerous they are attracted to..... feeding is.....yeah. Fuck.