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  1. T

    New mom and struggling

    @fellowsheep Girrllll you just described mine to the tee. After a while I would just hand her to him. Oh you're on your phone while the kitchen Is a mess and i need to clean it? Here you go here's your daughter. As for the asking and things never getting done dong it myself and the apologising...
  2. T

    New mom and struggling

    Also when mine would wake in the middle of the night I would jump up if hungry pop a bottle in prop it with her blanket (I know propping a bottle is a no no) if not go to Binkey then I would put my hand on her stomach and gently shake as a rocking motion and she would calm down and relax drink...
  3. T

    New mom and struggling

    @fellowsheep It's not lost! Mine did the same thing! Just stick to it and at nap time when she was getting use to the routine i would lay her down in her crib where its quiet and give her a binky and close the door. I know it sounds mean but if he cried she cried. She eventually got the picture...
  4. T

    New mom and struggling

    @fellowsheep Okay mama take a deep breath. I know it dosnt seem like it but it dose get better. I've been in your shoes for comming to a year with my husband hes only there for the laughs and smiles but the second it goes south it's all me and has been that way. My daughter will be a year in a...