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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @ohitscrystal Oh sweetheart please don’t cry💜
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @katrina2017 Aw thank you, bless your soul💜
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @katrina2017 Thank you so much dear💜 I’ll post another update soon
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @fredbelieves I spoke with S and he agrees with the park. S is so excited to meet him, he keeps asking me if the day is here. To be honest I’m shocked how well and eager he is to meet G, but it warms my heart to see him so happy. G is just over the moon to meet him, but he knows to be slow and...
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @thatguync Of course dear, I keep an open mind for a lot of things. And thank you💜
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @thatguync I understand, I’ll do my best not to. I see it as good advice, as it is true. Giving too high of expectations can hurt you in the end.
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @thatguync Thank you so much, I genuinely appreciate it all💜
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @thatguync I do believe it’s been a good amount of time, and yes, if this relationship goes further I will be talking with G about being a parental figure for S. That talk will be for later though. If you’d like, I could post an update, if that’s allowed here.
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @katrina2017 I’ve spoken more with S and he agrees he wants to meet him at a park nearby our house. G loves the idea as well and told me he can’t wait. All we need to do is figure out a day where we’re not working and S being ok for that day.
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @carmen2569 Oh my! Ha ha what a small little world, it seems like most people I know love wolves, though one friend of mine has a daughter who loves bears. And thank you, he is the best to me💜, and I’m simply doing the best for him. You’re the best as well dear💜
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @deeproots I’m hoping, as well. I’ll update this tomorrow once everything happens.
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @deeproots We’ve decided that we will meet at a park near our house, tomorrow after he gets out of church. S is still excited and ok with that, which is something I make sure. G is still over the moon to meet him, and it’s nice to see. And thank you so much, I’m doing my best for both of them.
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @jubilee58 I would but S doesn’t like the idea of that because of ants. He’s got a fear of them. I appreciate the idea though💜
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @taixiat I like that idea a lot, thank you dear💜
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @scofie1988 That doesn’t sound too bad, thank you :)
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @lilly59 I’m hoping he is, I wouldn’t mind a future with him. And me and S have agreed the park sounds perfect.
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @katrina2017 I will be. Anything wrong at all, he will be gone. I’m sorry about your PTSD dear, I hope you are doing better💜
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @katrina2017 I will don’t you worry about that part. And honestly, I believe so too. What really made it better is when he never got upset over me needing to cancel dates for my son. That right there makes my heart swell up.
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    Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

    @katrina2017 Oh S would love nothing more than that. I love seeing his eyes light up when he talks about them. He does this stim where his hands will flap and it just brings a smile to my face to watch him be so happy.