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    Very very mild symptoms at 6+5 with di/di twins. Minimal nausea. Concerned

    @grace92 I had hyperemesis for all of my miscarriages and for my twins. Unfortunately, symptoms, or lack of them, are not an indicator of a healthy pregnancy or of a miscarriage. It's hard, and it's OK to seek out professional support to help you manage all the feelings - my therapist was a...
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    IUD insertion pain vs labor pain

    @sister53 My IUD experience was more painful than the average, I think, because I had some scar tissue (probably from my cerclage) that meant they couldn't get through. I ended up going back a second time for dilation and placement under ultrasound guidance. No sharp pains, thank you local...
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    Grammar and pronunciation in the second language

    @focusedontheneedle You could try it. I used to be an expat, so I understand some of the struggle. There are English speaking SLPs in most major international cities, but the cost is high because of skill set and high demand. The big international schools often have an SLP (that was my job when...
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    How do I tell my husband to have a little more empathy for me as a sahm?

    @cliffco Sounds like he is ready to wash his own work clothes.
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    Grammar and pronunciation in the second language

    @focusedontheneedle I'm sorry, there isn't much more I can say. You need an SLP.
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    CIO for 4 mo. Remind me what I’m doing wrong ?!

    @gebphoenix Please feed the hungry baby. Sleep training and night weaning are not the same thing.
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    Grammar and pronunciation in the second language

    @focusedontheneedle At 5 years old, r and th are often still developing. If her tongue is coming between her teeth for s and z, then that has usually resolved by 5. If she has been exposed to English consistently since birth, I wouldn't expect to see language transfer errors. And if she is...
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    Child not speaking second language

    @watcherkohen You need to find more Spanish speaking environments for her. Depending on where in the US you are, that is going to be easier or harder for you. My local library has Spanish books (a range of languages actually, and it's where I find Chinese books for my children), there are also...
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    Help with sleep training

    @strugglingsinner1 Sleep training first, because for some, they don't need to night wean, and for others it makes night weaning lots easier. Lots of babies still keep a "snooze feed" until they are closer to 10-12 months though, else they want to start the day super early. Its often like 4-5am...
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    Help with sleep training

    @strugglingsinner1 Also, night weaning and sleep training aren't the same. So getting a good schedule should help good sleep, but they may still wake to eat. To fix that, assuming you have been given the go ahead by your pediatrician, then you would need to night wean, which is a different strategy.
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @beloved926 Thats a lot of daytime sleep. I would cap nap 1 at an hour max, and go from there.
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    Help me please, before I lose my ever loving mind. Read full post!

    @amayasasaki I would give "one last...." of everything, then put them in bed, and then just leave it to chance. "You need to potty? Well, you just had one last potty, so you have to hold it till morning now". At this age, sleep training involves the sleep lady shuffle/chair method, or the 100...
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    Help with sleep training

    @strugglingsinner1 Overtired babies wake early from naps and are grumpy about it. First thing that will be recommended is sorting out your schedule - sleep training is next to impossible if your schedule is not appropriate. The facebook group has some great guides that will back up what I'm...
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    Help with sleep training

    @strugglingsinner1 It sounds like they are overtired - an overtired baby will fight a nap like no other. Some 6 month olds are on 2 naps, but many are still on 3 naps until closer to 8 months. A 2 nap schedule would start at 2.5/3/3.5 or 3/3/3 with numbers being hours awake and / being naps...
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    Help with sleep training

    @strugglingsinner1 So, your current schedule seems way more awake time than most 6 month olds could tolerate, so I would start there. The Facebook group another commenter recommended is a good start, although I personally find they recommend a little more sleep time than a lot of babies need...
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    Need help- almost 4 y.o sleep issues!

    @jennaberthoud This is a Busy Toddler (IG lady) idea.... could you put a snack in a visible place in his room after he is asleep at night. If he really is hungry (which he might well be, let's give him the benefit of the doubt) then he can snack away and entertain himself/go back to sleep until...
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    Need help- almost 4 y.o sleep issues!

    @jennaberthoud His current tactics are working, so why would he change? Pick a strategy and stick to it - short term pain for long term gain! Do you use white noise and Blackout blinds? He's not being expected to sleep too much for his age? Not hungry or thirsty?
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    S.O.S! Mayday! Overtired cycle disaster, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO

    @finlandia Sounds like he is getting a decent amount of calories overnight and that's a hard habit to break. He is going to fight it. I would get rid of the pacifier or teach him to find and replace it by himself. Personally, I think a gentle method is best for your night weaning, given what he...
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    Sleep begets sleep... or does it?

    @mikesmiles I commented on your last post asking about a pacifier. I mean.... if baby seems happy, then it could be enough sleep. But for context, my babies weren't happy on 13 hours until they were almost 1 year old. At the end of the day, you have to do whatever is best for you and your family.
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    Sleep begets sleep... or does it?

    @mikesmiles I would err on the shorter side of that window.... the average sleep needs of a baby under three months is 14-17 hours. Of course, there are those that fall outside of that range.