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  1. M

    Aquarium is the same as the TV?

    @eveningxhush K is ridiculous. Watching animals in their environment is not screen time...
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    Almost lost it w my younger kid

    @babo2013 Everyone loses it with their kids at times. The main thing is how you recover after. Best thing to do is wait until you are both calm and talk about what happened. Hey I'm sorry I yelled at you I was feeling very upset because xyz. I read "How to stop losing your shit with your...
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @opinionsareopinions Both of my kids were bad sleepers. Both learned to sleep through the night naturally. The older one sleeps alone in his own bed at night most nights.
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob 18 months is when separation anxiety often starts for littles so it is totally normal for her to be freaking out about sleeping alone at this point. My 24 month old seems to need to be touching me at all times. It is exhausting, especially when he played happily alone at 12 months...