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    OAD because sleep!

    @deemarie Doing it alone would be hell, I’m so sorry. I would genuinely lose my mind without my partner being onboard and doing more than his share of the night parenting. I hope your little one sleeps better soon and you get better sleep too.
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    OAD because sleep!

    @garfieldjl I’m so happy for you guys that you got a wonderful sleeper! And I totally understand why you’d never want to roll the dice on getting the opposite 2nd time around.
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    OAD because sleep!

    @best_coach So rough. I feel for you. My son was between us for most of the night until about 18 months when he got too big for us all to physically sleep (our bed is not huge). When he was 2 we bought a very nice expensive single mattress for his room and now one of us sleeps in his room from...
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    OAD because sleep!

    @katrina2017 Oh I so get this! The anxiety builds and makes falling asleep worse! I’ve gone through periods of using liquid melatonin to go to sleep at night, I use the NOW brand 2mg, it has helped me a lot. I managed 6 months without it but then a bunch of personal issues mean I’m back using it...
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    OAD because sleep!

    @katrina2017 Fear of the night is the truth. I’m still traumatised from the phantom crying that woke me through the baby stage, so when he was sleeping I’d still wake. I get terribly anxious when my kid sleeps and I can’t, like I’m missing the available sleep window of opportunity. I started...
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    OAD because sleep!

    @godgirl13 I’m so sorry. I hope the therapist helps and I’m proud of you for getting help and meds. Sending best thoughts for sleep upon your house as soon as it can possibly come.
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    OAD because sleep!

    @godgirl13 I’m so sorry. It is so hard. Please be kind to yourself and please seek help if you need.
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    OAD because sleep!

    @hiskidd Oh gosh I so feel for you! Sometimes the cuddles are so sweet but it’s just so exhausting!
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    OAD because sleep!

    @romanianpentecostal Omg 9 hours is the dream right? That is what my body wants/needs. I am lucky if I am in bed for 8 these days and I am most certainly not sleeping for all of those 8 hours! Sleep is legit a huge OAD reason x
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    OAD because sleep!

    @calebm I can handle the rest of life, work, parenting, keeping the house together IF I’ve slept. If I haven’t, I am depressed and in continual existential crises. In therapy for the first time in my life since k became a mum.
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    OAD because sleep!

    @savannahcbc Oh I feel you! Mine woke at 3am furious for reasons he couldn’t articulate, then could not decide which bed to go back to sleep in after spending 30 mins on the toilet 😩
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    OAD because sleep!

    @savannahcbc Sleep is so harrrrrd!
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    OAD because sleep!

    Just when I thought my 3 year old was beginning to get much easier (I mean, he is during daylight hours), we just had our worst nights sleep for a while. He is low sleep needs, naps only at daycare, and sleeps better on no nap days but last night he woke 3 times, ended up in our bed, kicked...
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    I just took my first nap in months!

    @mjes My son is 16 months and naps when he does have been my survival. I cannot imagine how that would ever happen with more than one. I had a pregnancy scare recently and it pushed me towards definite one and done - happy tears when I got my period!