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  1. P

    Which transition was hardest?

    @texan2 I had twins first so it was 0 to 2. Adding a third kid barely registered. Some logistical difficulties in the early days but once we figured out some systems, she rolled right into our routines. It could be her personality but I think third kids also just learn to go with the flow!
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    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @fossu I agree that the single worst thing about the Siena is the missing tether anchor in the back seat! Why, Toyota??? I only have three in car seats so we make it work but it’s definitely annoying
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    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    @bulatcitly Here’s a link to a comment I wrote on another post reviewing our Siena. I LOVE it. AWD was really important and our main selling point, but it’s just all around awesome.
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    3rd attempt at Sleep training finally worked - did 1 thing differently!

    @mike214 I think that’s very true in the newborn days when your milk supply is being established and the baby needs to cluster feed to signal your body to make more milk. After the first few weeks though, babies do generally do better with feeds that are spaced about three hours apart. Any more...
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    @marc_antony Relay run while carrying the car seat carrier? Stair climb with a baby strapped to your chest and a diaper bag on your back? I feel you on the paci shuffle haha. My third kid is a thumb sucker, I know it’s going to cause problems later but for now I’m so glad I don’t have to crawl...
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @jimmyvan Right? 🙄 the very few times I’ve had a kid-free night in the last four years I’ve woken up by 7:30 at the latest anyway. My body doesn’t even know how to sleep in anymore
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    @dylannn Bring in the stroller or car seat if you have the carrier type, use the handicap stall so there’s room for it and put baby in there?
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    @moemoes By kid 3 I’ve gotten the hang of them but literally every time I set one up I fantasize about a parenting olympics where obviously pack and play set-up is one of the main events. I ace it, get the gold and have my moment of glory. Every. Time.
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @lurkerplasma You, me, and a handful of iridescent high-protein twizzlers for the sewer rats while we watch the sunset 🌅 I’m in!
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @ambassadorcjk YES 😂 The minute I have free time! So like… 17 1/2 years from now?
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @scottles 😂😂 you’re not wrong. Was up with the sick baby most of the night and this kid in particular is very dramatic when he’s sick so I’m running on some weird fumes today
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @ennisdavis Right? They did their time for sure but the Grandma gig is definitely a sweet one 😂
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @harpin76 That’s the worst! At least when the kids are sick at the same time you can plug them into TV all day guilt-free and rest yourself 🙄
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    Picture it: the year is 2052. My child is 34 years old. Twitter has been rebranded “MuskRat”. I’m relaxing in my La-Z-Non-binary, reading the latest squeaks, when his wife sends me a MetaVerse Virtual Reality thought message. She’s complaining that he’s got a minor cold but he’s being a whiny...