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  1. C

    I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

    @bf1 I think it’s just my hormones being so wack. I’ve been snapping on everyone and just so angry. I’m not an angry person at all. Maybe it’s also just the honeymoon phase going away? Our relationship is definitely not dependent on sex but we both enjoy it. I’ve been getting into more arguments...
  2. C

    I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

    I just got an iud and I don’t really want to put in effort being around my boyfriend anymore. I just don’t care to go over to his house or have sex. We haven’t been together long and maybe it’s just the new hormones but I’m starting to get a little unattracted to him. Are these feelings normal...