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  1. T

    PUPD method- why not? Opinion needed!

    @cwall PUPD is definitely sleep training. Anything that claims to “teach” your baby to “self soothe” is built upon the tenets of sleep training. Sleep training encompasses “CIO” (extinction) down to PUPD or the “chair method.” What are you describing about your baby’s sleep is considered normal...
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    Sunblock? Y/N? Decent brands?

    @tpick Omg, I ordered some to try last month because I was restocking on the balm 😳 Definitely love it, too!
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    I don’t get why people want more than one

    @2ndlight I had a relatively “easy” pregnancy and the thought of having another is difficult mostly due to financial constraints. We are renters, I’m from a HCOL city and there’s no reason for us to move because both my husband and I have jobs that are location-centric and the support system we...
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    Reducing pumping but also still nursing on-demand? / Switch to floor bed?

    My baby recently turned 1 and is doing well on solids. M-F she takes maybe 8-16oz of pumped milk. I still nurse her in the morning, usually when I get back from work, then at bedtime, plus a few times overnight (bedsharing). I’m looking to reduce pumping because it’s taking such a toll on me...
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    Does sleep training even work?

    @cyberrocky A lot of the data is self-reported so of course, it skews a certain way in terms of “success.” She takes deep dives about data and research (or lack thereof) on baby sleep.
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    Co-sleeping Resource Roundup

    @dbirdez Love Tracey Cassel’s podcast
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    Co-sleeping Resource Roundup

    @dbirdez Most of these books are available through the public library system (physical and digital versions) as well! I zipped through James McKenna’s book on my phone via the kindle app and grateful for the public library for this. Currently have Elizabeth Pantley’s book on “hold.”