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  1. L

    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    @eliza188 100% to all these but esp the one about sleep! Without diving into the rabbit hole of sleep training vs cosleeping vs whatever else, please never feel bad about telling someone your baby isn’t a good sleeper. So many people will swear their baby is sleeping 7-7, but that’s far from the...
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    Husband + cosleeping. Help.

    @horsefeathers8899 We just did this last night and it was a delight :) he wasn’t as sad when I kicked him out lol
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    Husband + cosleeping. Help.

    @favourfelix Husband and I aren’t nappers, but we can def try to do more snuggling while reading on the couch or something!
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    Husband + cosleeping. Help.

    Most of the week, I cosleep in our spare room with my 9 month old. She’s not a great sleeper and still wakes every 3ish hours at night to nurse. My husband is very sweet and often talks about missing having me in our shared bed, so we’re doing shared bed on the weekends when we can both afford...
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    Please convince me to cosleep

    Idk how to do Imgur from my phone so hopefully this shows up, but this is a helpful look at the actual stats for low risk babies and how it stacks up against other risks
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    Please convince me to cosleep

    @psalm51flower I feel for you, it’s so challenging to shed the fear-messaging we’ve all been taught (esp in the US). You alluded to your baby being the epitome of health (great work!), which tells me you’re likely aware that the risks with bed sharing come from studies that included high risk...