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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @ayen57 Taking prenatals after didn’t help me 😭😭
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    Will i ever not be tired again?

    @ayryil It would be SO much easier without my dog too, but he is younger and the love of my life so…here we are
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    I need support

    @weeppee You say you look pregnant. Did you ever get evaluated for diastasis recti postpartum? It’s ab separation and you having a c section made you more vulnerable. Running should really NOT be happening that early postpartum especially not from a c section - women shouldn’t be cleared till 12...
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    Will i ever not be tired again?

    @deedee79 WHats the grub phase? Yes I feel like we are all just staying alive and it really sucks and is so exhausting
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    Will i ever not be tired again?

    @melissa49ers She is going to preschool in the fall! 6 hours a day! Granted I’ll be working most of that time she is there but I am hoping it’ll get better
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    Will i ever not be tired again?

    Our daughter is 2.5 and we have a small dog who requires a lot of attention/work. My husband and I work full time but I work some hours in evenings to reduce childcare expenses- edit- to clarify, I work shifts 12-8 a few days a week so that we can only pay for childcare 12-4 those days (mental...