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  1. F

    What are the most common unsolicited comments you receive when out with multiples?

    @nihal Double trouble Hands full Are they natural That last one isn't advice but it's along the same lines lol. I also recently had a twin mom(didn't know it at the time) eye me and finally as she walked past she said "my twins are thirty.... Oh wait... You don't have twins" (I guess the only...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @meesemouse We don’t have smaller children in the family and honestly with the weather and the energy it has taken I haven’t gotten them out much but I’m hopeful to change that a little bit as the temps get warmer ❤️ they do see their grandma once a week and we try to go to my husbands dad and...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @cherry_78 Yeah definitely went over my head lol…
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @cherry_78 To have to pay the same amount or more than your mortgage for daycare is extremely expensive. I get that they’re learning, socializing, being cared for and have some supplies provided but as An example, our state average is looking to be $2700 a month for full time care which equates...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @frank3 I probably jumped the gun a little too quickly. I’m not doing a nanny then lol. I guess I will go ahead and look back into that, thank you for your remarks.
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @frank3 Did you do background checks at all?
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @frank3 I would be working outside of th e home so there would be that to factor in but can I ask what your interview process was like? What you asked and what sold you on that person? Did you do word of mouth, an ad,
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    I’m about two weeks out from having a C-section to have my twins, and I think I’m a little too delusional

    @rrruff Mine warned me too. I have didi boys and B was transverse. They tried to flip him twice but his hr fell so that is why we switched to c section. His brother was born at 1151pm but it took another 34 minutes for him to be born at 1225am which also resulted in a different birthday for each 😅
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @frank3 That’s great to know. And funny enough I actually was considering a nanny but let my FIL talk me out of it because he said he wouldn’t be keen on a stranger in the home
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    I’m about two weeks out from having a C-section to have my twins, and I think I’m a little too delusional

    @rrruff I healed from both vaginal and c section because each twin had a different entrance into my arms 😅 it hurt to get up, couldn’t sleep on my stomach. Get yourself to a pelvic floor specialist
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @chestertonleddihn Sounds like I really need to look at pre k type options!
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @gladysbrierley Oh thank you for providing that site. Currently we do breakfast , free play, 1h Rachel together (20 min i do spend doing a chores though) then free play until lunch, nap, and sort of repeat the same in the afternoon. I didn’t intend to do as much Rachel but they love it and...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @khcrocker How did you/do you keep them busy and learning?
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @hilbrand Currently I’m a remote personal trainer but have the opportunity to do in person training at a local gym that I’m very familiar with. It would be a chance to help them out and build my knowledge base. The pay isn’t anything insane though so I wouldn’t make enough to cover the child...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @nitrolisis Right ! That’s in the back of my mind but coming to the forefront as I consider all the pieces here. There’s also home day care and nannies to consider too but I’m fueled by “what is best?” For everyone, more so them than me, and what if I choose the place that doesn’t treat my kids...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @mikey124 Someone mentioned that to me and it really made me question how I’d even get to have a work experience because I’d either be home with sick kids or sick myself
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @torraine Oh boy the emotions. My baby A is full of them and then the sharing thing hits hard so many times. I’ve got the rest of the stuff down though
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @torraine I am just now getting comfortable getting out and the weather is starting to get nicer. The piece I’m missing is what I should be “teaching “them . Obviously I’d still be missing the work piece but I think if I had an idea of what I should be doing with them it would probably be...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    A part time work opportunity came up so I started to look into daycare. I’m not opposed to home day cares or hiring a nanny BUT from what I’ve been told (and please feel free to offer insight) daycare is a better option both for social interaction as well as upkeep of the facility and it’s...