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    @digital Thank you for sharing!
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    @facesofthemoon I’m in tears, thank you for sharing that story and that makes so much sense and the bravery of being a OAD again, truly that is a really beautiful and painful story. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and I’m so grateful for you.
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    @bob90210z Thank you, I’m in that literal exact same space, I really appreciate your honestly and story. Thank you!
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    @williejdyson Thank you for your perspective I completely agree. The balance of our lives is beautiful and adding another kiddo really could dismantle this great thing we have going and for a chance that they have a forever friend in a sibling. My husband does not talk to his siblings very often...
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    @alvakm Thanks for your honesty!
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    @zachmo This makes complete sense! I am such a planner so the idea that plans change I get but also grieve. I also think there is part of me that is sad because the name of our second kiddo would be my maiden name, so the feeling of loss there. But I also think it’s silly to only have a kid...
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    @lovedaisies That’s really helpful too, I did have such a strong desire for my first and I really really really wanted a boy - and I got my boy! It’s like everything I ever wanted I now have. If I had a girl first I may have felt differently but because I had a boy my heart was full and everyday...
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    @brokenandconfused Great thoughts!!!
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    @brokenandconfused That’s such a great perspective and thought! It’s not that I have a desire to have a baby it’s more like the picture I thought we would have, and I completely get that the missing of when your kid when younger, I do feel that, like time goes by so fast but not the baby fever...
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    @garrett001001 Thank you! I was actually on one with multiples who sent me here, I appreciate your transparency
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    @andras Ok this is also really true. I’m the oldest and have two siblings and growing up with 3 of us kids I know and have always known that 3 is too many. I saw the stress it out on my parents and even the middle sibling. For me I knew that was never going to be a thing. I’ve seen plenty of...
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    @brambleclaw5 Thanks for your honesty! That is a very valid and honest point
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    @followtheshepherd Thank you
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    @followtheshepherd Wow this is making me tear up. Thank you so much, and we want that for him, if by not having a sibling means that we get to keep our strong connection into adulthood I’ll take that a million times over. Your perspective as an only adult really helps me know that this is good...
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    @mangolime17 Thank you so much for sharing this with me! This community has been so warm and welcoming. I’m sorry people have judged your choices and your commitments to your health. I completely understand, respect and support your decisions (not that you need or want a strangers validation)...
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    @hkra Hahaha that’s a great point. Life is messy regardless of which way people go
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    @bozotheclown Thank you for this perspective! I work with college students on the spectrum and completely value respecting the ability to give your kiddo what they need
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    @dwmitch1 Ok this is me all the time! I can’t imagine running errands with two or even doing our morning routine with two. One of us gets ready and the other holds our boy, he gets what we need and we do to. I like the tag team
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    @johnjohn74 I knew a family like this too, the mom would actually accidentally set the table for another kiddo. I’ve never felt that at all. I feel complete contentment in the moments, it’s just the “what if stories” in my head, not the real life moments
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    @johnjohn74 No there does not, when we eat dinner the thought isn’t there