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  1. H

    He’s SUCH a Good Dad: A Moms V. Dads Expectations Rant

    @melista I'm a stay at home mom-- I traverse the world with two small children on the regular. We do all sorts of things, run all sorts of errands. Even when someone melts down, I handle it, and we continue on. My husband took the kids to the mall one morning, I forget why. He was compliments...
  2. H

    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @ethan46 The term 'tradwife' is pretty loaded. It's often used by hard right conservatives who expect women to pop out babies, do all the childcare, housekeeping and look pretty while doing it. Meanwhile, the men are expected to bring home a paycheck and that's it. My family falls into...