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    Still not adjusted at daycare after over 3 months -- help!

    @religiondoctor If there is flexibility, maybe you could try it for a few weeks? My youngest has been going to daycare part time, 3 consecutive days a week, since 20 months old. Every morning, he asks what kind of day it is, a 'daycare day', a 'me and mommy home day', or an 'all-body home day'...
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    Hunt, gather, parent

    @joshdons Have you read “Our Babies, Ourselves”? If not, you might enjoy it!
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @sawry1 Yes, thank you, that's a good point. We definitely did our best to have all the pieces of sleep hygiene in place (environment, routines, watching tired signs/wake windows, early bedtimes, etc.). But I guess I also sort of guided my babies toward sleeping alone/connecting sleep cycles...
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    Still not adjusted at daycare after over 3 months -- help!

    @religiondoctor It sounds like you've created a wonderful physical and emotional environment for her at home and found a daycare with similar values - well done! One thing I would do is switch to consecutive days if possible. That could make a big difference in helping your daughter recognize a...
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @rockhopper72 I agree that it's important to describe what is meant, not just say CIO - or better yet, use specific terms as you suggested. And I agree that even the term 'sleep training' is not well defined: does it always imply some form of extinction? I am never sure what to call the...
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    Challenging my doctor’s potentially old school advice on solid food for baby

    @retirementproject In my husband's baby keepsake box we found notes from his pediatrician: at 6 weeks, 'feed 5 times a day with 2% cow’s milk and boiled water with corn syrup, along with 1-3 tablespoons of barley, rice, or oat cereal with 1-3 oz of formula before 10 am, 2 pm, and 6 pm feedings'...
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @christian99 Also, babies in general shouldn’t drink cow’s milk until after 12 months because cow’s milk inhibits iron absorption (and iron is very important when babies first start solids), and also for a couple of other reasons. It sounds like you don’t really need to know this yet - lots of...
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    Dogs and kiddo sharing back yard

    @wyatt1525 You might be able to make a really fun space for your toddler even if the space is quite small. Here's an example of a yes-space on a small balcony:
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    Dogs and kiddo sharing back yard

    @wyatt1525 Why is it not possible to create separate areas? Might you be able to gate off a small outdoor ‘Yes space’ for your toddler? There are some nice examples if you Google ‘yes space’.
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    How unlucky was I?

    @daphne1 If you decide to go for another baby, my advice would be to try and resolve your existing health challenges as best you can and find the best prenatal health care team you can find - a team that would focus on your specific situation and and not probabilities only, both before and...
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    C-Section Babies and Probiotics. What’s the science?

    @lolad I looked into this question briefly 2 year ago for the same reason as you and got the same general answer at the time. We ended up trying Biogaia drops on the advice of our paediatrician, and they seem to have helped, but there were confounding factors (my baby was also weaned off reflux...
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    4 month Sleep Regression Research

    @iaian I put together the research I found relevant to the 4-month sleep regression here (with references listed at the end of the article). I think you already have all the main pieces. Learning to connect sleep cycle is something that will happen naturally but if we give them brief...
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    8 Month onld only getting 1, 2 hour nap, at daycare per day. Any studies if that is enough?

    @rewind2grace Yes, sorry, I meant to type "to 1 nap". Thanks for catching it! I've corrected the post.
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    An interesting observation: A note on taking research with a grain of salt

    @dundermifflinfarmer Thanks for posting this! I think it's so important to evaluate scientific studies critically. In this one, as others have mentioned, one would have to consider recollection accuracy, placenta position, mother's baseline (did they have other babies to compare kick...
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    8 Month onld only getting 1, 2 hour nap, at daycare per day. Any studies if that is enough?

    @texasmom33 Most babies transition to 1 nap closer to 15-18 months, so transitioning at 8 months - and especially without the baby showing signs of being ready herself - does seem early. One nap a day with two naps on the weekend might work, at least for a while, because it sounds like she...
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    Possums Sleep - Science Based?

    @guevaraj My take on it may be a bit unconventional. I think it's not really possible for one sleep approach to be much more science-backed than others (assuming none are total quackery). To me, infant sleep biology research - sleep rhythms, sleep cycles, the need for baby to self-settle during...