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  1. E

    Easy activities that I can do with my 3.5 yo

    @manishk012 What I did was get like a clear tote (usually not too tall and rectangular) and filled it with water and food dye. Put some toys in it that he can scoop water with and put him on the back porch. Literally entertained him for hours, not sure how.
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    What's a normal day like for ya'll? And also how was your parenting different if/when you were pregnant?

    @shotmike My routine as a SAHM now is completely the opposite as it was when I was a pregnant SAHM. Give yourself some grace. Don't feel bad about screentime, too many snacks or take out. When baby is here and a bit older you can focus on a routine
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    How would you respond to this?

    @ajewelinhiscrown One block away and still 30 minutes late? 5 year old needs to be going to bed earlier and waking up earlier.. have you tried giving them melatonin a bit earlier so they don't fall asleep so late? How much prep do you do the night before? What is your partner doing during all this?
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    I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

    @sophie0813 I think I’m jealous of his job lol. My partner loves our kids and is pretty present with them when he is here but I’m insanely jealous that he gets to do what he loves all day. I mean I love staying home with my kids (mostly lol) but I do miss having a job and especially a job I...
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    Watching a friends 2 yo in addition to my own 1 & 3 yo

    @wvguy777 I know some do but most of us don’t have a 3, 2, and 1 year old lol. It’s still a lot of work but my 5yo is pretty helpful and good at listening lol. The week you had would have exhausted me as well lol