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  1. D

    My(16f) mom doesn’t want me having sex or my bf(17m) in my room but asked if i wanted to go on BC and said she would get me a plan B if i need it

    @lunalovesjesus Get on BC...your mother doesn't want to be a grandmother anymore than you want to be a mother at 16
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    what are your tactics for picky eaters?

    @davebfl I made the meal with all four and put it on the table/high chair tray. Done with my part! They either complied or didn't...until old enough to cook their own, clean and put dishes in the dishwasher, and Windex the kitchen.
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    1 year old with gross motor delay and poor appetite. Constantly told everything is “fine”

    @boanerges1989 People are not only being kind...they are telling you the solid truth. I'm guessing that there is nothing wrong with your daughter. You first position a "grave issue"you see and then give evidence that she's fine. Your leg is a centimer short? What can that possibly have to fo...
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    8 and half years old write ‘F’ word

    @midget At this age, all of my boys and all of their friends l1oved to use the dictionary of non permissible words..especially on the car. They would not do ot when at home ..unless a sleepover. Having no success st stopping it with the oldest , etc al..I just turned the radio up. No writing on...