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    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    @b1inchrist Go to IVF. Much better chances and won’t waste time
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    I don’t know if I can handle another close friend getting pregnant

    @almunday I totally hear you. I have withdrawn from a friend who knows what we have been going through and decided to spring her pregnancy on me when we were meeting for drinks. I honestly couldn't understand it. I would never be so insensitive. There were other ways she could have gone about...
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    I don’t know if I can handle another close friend getting pregnant

    @minsanity text message may seem like not enough, but it is the ONLY way I want to hear it - do not corner me in person and tell me that way
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    I don’t know if I can handle another close friend getting pregnant

    @alwayslearning1130 So so true. There are VERY few people I even want to talk to these days to be honest. Either they don't get it and make stupid comments, they got pregnant easily, or they expect me to be happy go lucky and super involved in their stuff not realizing how much I am carrying...
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    I don’t know if I can handle another close friend getting pregnant

    @eudy93 10000% - I truly don't have it in me right now.