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    Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

    @springwillow I'd rather intervene early than late personally. Wait lists can be ridiculous, and I appreciate providers who are proactive about these kinds of early interventions.
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    LO 7 weeks doesn’t sleep longer than 3 hours at a time at night

    @river Normal. Mine woke up every 3ish hours to nurse until at least 9 months.
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    Ideas for longer sleep stretch, or is this it? (11week old)

    @christbearer95 Good luck! We tried all the tricks, and baby just needed time.
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    Ideas for longer sleep stretch, or is this it? (11week old)

    @christbearer95 Mine definitely didn't sleep that well that early. I'd feel blessed lol
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    Toddler screams and cries at daycare for an hour before passing out from exhaustion

    @likim I would not feel comfortable sending my toddler to childcare where dogs are present personally