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    When did your belly snap back?

    @cernunnos Stomach was “flat” by 1mo in the sense I didn’t still have a pregnant look, things shifted. That being said, I’m still 40lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight as I have an injury and have been immobile for 4mo now, and have a pouch.. whether it’s from my c section or just in general...
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    F U one liners for more kids

    @mcc873 You can people max uncomfortable by saying “I can only give my attention and care to one child, if I have another I’ll probably neglect their needs, unless you want to adopt them” and I bet they’d never ask again 🤣
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    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    @socaldisciple I agree. My partner is content on 1, but is more than happy having a second one. He isn’t over the moon about taking all the supplements and whatnot, but he does it and supports the process (given I’m the one with infertility, but nonetheless). OP husband is blatantly showing he...
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    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    @michaelwayne57 So why are you wanting to have another child with him? I must be missing something, because he doesn’t care at all. Like, at all. He isn’t trying, because it doesn’t matter to him if you have a second. So why do you want a second with someone who is so strongly showing they don’t...
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    Subchorionic Hemorrhage

    @hafelemyhome I had one, bled from expected period through 12wk, wasn’t caught at my 7 and 8 week scan, I went back for heavier bleeding at 9wk and they saw it, and said that’s what it was. Unless it’s abnormally large there’s no reason to be scared! They typically resolve on their own, at 20wk...
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    Friend found out she’s 12 weeks pregnant, we were smoking w**d together !

    @anna Of course! It’s one of those things that as long as she’s stopped since, all should be well!
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    When did you decide to use embryos vs continue to try naturally? TTC for 9 months, 1 mc. I’ll be 40 in 2 month

    @atonofheart At your age, I’d do the embryos. The risks are high at your age for chromosomal issues, with IVF you can find out beforehand if the embryos are truly healthy and all set, and then implant. You have 3, the odds are good one will stick!
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    Friend found out she’s 12 weeks pregnant, we were smoking w**d together !

    @anna People smoke weed start to end of their pregnancy (I don’t really agree with it but to each their own)… I wouldn’t worry!