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  1. H

    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @betreshalephshinyadtaw Changing your opinion of what is and isn’t Christ-like means there’s no definition… Keep believing in whatever you believe in. Tomorrow it will be different, and yet you’ll be just as assured that it’s right. I wish I’d have invented religion. It literally requires...
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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @betreshalephshinyadtaw That person thinks it’s Christ like… which is the point.
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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @betreshalephshinyadtaw The comment was about Christians regularly calling other, self identified Christians, as un-Christian and you jumped right past that to “is it wrong to murder someone?” The discussion is about how Christians find it so easy to disavow their brethren when it’s more...
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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @betreshalephshinyadtaw Christians are the worst about judging how other Christians are being un-Christian. It’s almost like it’s a completely made up set of rules that you can apply as you see fit and what you are doing is right but what others are doing is wrong. Wait. It’s not almost like...
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    Father’s sister doesn’t want her kids to know about our daughter

    @mikera What should you do about Christians being Christian? Nothing. They didn’t get there because of logic, so nothing you say or do will change anything. You should establish paternity and get child support - because that benefits your daughter
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    Kids father planning to vanish until they’re 18

    @jennyjohn You really need to get a clue.
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    Kids father planning to vanish until they’re 18

    @jennyjohn She caught him cheating. Statistically speaking, marriages with spouses who cheat are not good. Should they also have separate staff and butlers too? Damn. You’re twisted. Suggesting a person stay married… hell no. Hopefully you’ll drop the pretense at some point
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    Kids father planning to vanish until they’re 18

    @jennyjohn Then advocate for the children …. of a POS who has chosen to abandon them.
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    Kids father planning to vanish until they’re 18

    @jennyjohn Does it matter? He’s being a terrible father now
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    My Daughters mother didn’t get me a Father’s Day card or even acknowledge it?

    @tokkite Did you do the right thing by helping your kid recognize her mom on Mother’s Day? Yes Doing the right thing is all you can do… it’s disappointing that your ex didn’t show the same respect to your child (and this IS about your child), but we can’t change that someone else is behaving poorly
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    My Son's Grandmother want to be apart of his life after her son Physically abused me

    @papabigpaws The only person you owe anything to is your son, his safety and emotional health are all that matter. Why didn't she reach out sooner? Only she can answer that. It's really likely that she felt massive amount of shame for what her son did. Whether she thought he'd get his stuff...