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  1. C

    I’m struggling to know - what’s worth swapping?

    @icreepin My husband was the same way! So attached to his Tide. Then I sent him a bunch of studies on Phthalates and male infertility. Then he never questioned it ever again!
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    What Cheerios-like cereal are you feeding your baby?

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    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    @sabresong I have no clue either. It is seriously offensive smelling. And to wash newborn clothes in it and them out your baby in those clothes?!? next level
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    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    @jodiemurray Trying this method! Will report back with results
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    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    Moderately granola moms, helpppppp! I received a bag of clothes from a friend of a friend that reeked of some awful toxic detergent. I didnt think much of it as I figured washing it would get it out, but I think there is serious buildup from repeated washing. I mixed those clothes in with...