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  1. H

    Extreme case of the night wiggles

    @juggler I didn’t realize that was a thing!! Mine is constantly up around 5am grunting and farting and also congested for some reason? I had no idea other ppl experienced that. I really wonder why.
  2. H

    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @cavwda Also what made a huge impact for me was getting a storybook about weaning (there are several, I bought boobie moon), reading them daily for a couple weeks and talking about how boobie was going to be sleeping at night. Then when I did start to replace nigjt nursing with cuddles I would...
  3. H

    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @cavwda I night wean my first at 18 months because I was pregnant and that’s when sleeping through started. Inconsistent at first now at a bit past 2 she almost always sleeps through 8:30p-8am with an occasional need for a cuddle between before midnight.
  4. H

    Cosleeping and babysitting?

    @mjnor1 Not sure if you’re thinking of an overnight but my contact napping bedsharing 8 month old sleeps great in a reclined stroller at her nanny share. Her sleep there has never been an issue and she’ll nap for 1-2 hours, but she won’t tolerate sleeping alone at home. So I think she’s...
  5. H

    Question about herpes and its contagion.

    @bigadolph420 Same! I was exposed in my early 20s and get about 1 breakout a year ever since. I never share utensils or drinks, and when I have a breakout I take suppressive meds and wear a mask so errant baby hands can’t smack me in the face. It’s embarrassing as a professional adult and also...