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  1. C

    How are you dressing warmly when wearing baby in an ssc?

    @randyt68 I’m in Wellington, so leaning slightly colder than Aus, but I go usual (indoor) layers for Bub and myself with a jacket on top and a wooly scarf I can pull around if it’s really cold
  2. C

    How unlucky was I?

    @daphne1 I encountered similar issues with the delivery of my daughter, my labour was ok but my daughter was posterior and I didn’t progress past 9cm, I spent 5 hours pushing, then my waters were broken and she immediately went into distress and was pulled out with forceps and an episiotomy 15...
  3. C

    Mastitis - both sides

    @jaenalyn This is the way. On a personal level, I highly recommend the new protocol. I had mastitis 5x in 2020 when I had my first including a very severe case which led to a 5 day hospital stay. When I had my second in January I meticulously followed the new advice whenever I felt early...
  4. C

    Different recommendations for TDaP vaccinations?

    @elam84 A lot of it comes down to cost. In NZ (and Canada), we have public health systems that are balancing cost-benefit for all our healthcare. When I got the TDaP and was pregnant it was funded, my husband had to pay about $30 over the counter. Further, when we have outbreaks of vaccine...