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  1. M

    Spent the week with a quadrilingual 5 year old

    @robtarc That's so sweet! What I'm enjoying with my 4 year old (trilingual but hears a lot of languages regularly) is that she is just so creative with making up words especially in the languages she hears but we dont speak fluently. She's always asking me things like with random syllables "what...
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    Introducing a 4th language to a 2 year old

    @alenharry No problem! Good luck with it. I forgot to say I feel like the minimum to get a kid understanding things is about 14 hours a week. I notice if we haven't had that quality time that it's harder for my daughter to click back into the language.
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    Child not speaking second language

    @watcherkohen Good luck with it! How we do it is that some games are only played in a certain language. So any time my daughter gets that game out we play it using our minority languages. If other people are over they need to learn some new vocab too 😁
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    Introducing a 4th language to a 2 year old

    @alenharry Give it a try and see how it goes! Kids can definitely learn 4 languages and it sounds like 3 is going well. In my experience the earlier you start the better. Then your child gets used to it. I have been doing two minority languages alternating Spanish and German with my now 4 year...
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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @ohme90 Wow that's amazing info thank you so much! Interesting that the Zebra series reminds me a lot of what I chose for Spanish (Coquito series), although syllables aren't the only focus it does use them a lot. My daughter is in preschool so I'm in the research stage, reading is a ways off...
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    Child not speaking second language

    @watcherkohen You're doing great. I found that it's a gradual thing, my daughter just turned 4 and has been gradually speaking more of her 2 minority languages. Another way to increase exposure, since you are conversational, is to find some fun and engaging activities that you all speak such...
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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @oldaussie Can you recommend any resources for learning to read in German? Thanks for your comment, I'm trying to figure out how to support reading for our minority languages (German and Spanish) though I'm hoping school with do the heavy lifting with English.
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    What to read before birth and to the infant before they can watch pictures and follwo the story on the page?

    @tonyfran I read short stories to my kiddo when she was a tiny baby. Like stuff I wanted to read, not kids stories. Short stories were great because you could actually finish them. When she started actually paying attention, 4 months or so, I switched to picture books.
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    Dual language immersion for kindergartner (wanted spanish, got french)

    @cal_reacher As a learner (and now fluent speaker) of both French and Spanish I say go for it! French is amazingly useful and they are related enough that it will actually help her learn Spanish down the line too. I learnt French first and it gave me a great foundation for Spanish because they...
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    9 months trilingual update

    @aldredian I loved reading your story! It's always helpful to read about what others are doing. It sounds like you're giving your son a wonderful foundation. Yes perhaps you could try my method and have some dedicated Hokkien time every day, when your mum is there. Do you think she'd be...
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    9 months trilingual update

    @aldredian What's your situation? I'm sure any time you start is fine! I'm still thinking of playing games with her in another language when she's older. I sing a lot to her in all my languages too, I highly recommend music.
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    9 months trilingual update

    @aldredian Before. I think she was about 2 months?
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    9 months trilingual update

    @smartcoder I'm the Mum
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    9 months trilingual update

    @tiavina That's so cool! Yes my husband and I spoke more English than Spanish to each other before she was born (it was close to 50/50 but maybe slightly more English) so it was an adjustment to switch to mostly Spanish. We try to speak Spanish to each other when she's with us though we do code...
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @anlytcphil Yeah I was raised monolingual too, I know what you mean. You're doing great! It is a hard to see the community language become really dominant for a while but it's normal. People with older kids say it all evens out if you are making sure they have good/varied exposure to each language.
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    9 months trilingual update

    I have always loved coming here for advice and reading all your experiences. Here is ours so far. We are living in Australia, Mum native English speaker, Dad native Spanish speaker, German is a family heritage language and we are both trilingual in all 3, though German is the weakest language...
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @anlytcphil I'd be shocked if they're saying "it's not oso it's a bear" more likely they'll be saying "oh you're pointing at the bear? You want to say bear?" Like they're not negating your other languages. It definitely seems over the top to give them a word list, educators are great at...
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    Raising bilingual baby when second language isn’t native to either parent

    @dday Assuming English is the community language, don't feel you need to repeat everything in English.