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  1. L

    My 12f cousin is posting sexual content on Snapchat, parents won’t let her go to school

    @mellowesile To me, this is a case for Child Protective Services. Being that hypersexual at 12 can mean something unsavory is going on. I had a student who did this. Turns out she was raped at age 11. She started doing drugs and having casual sexual encounters. My student's parents found...
  2. L

    I am at my wits end with my daughter’s (16f) sleep schedule. Any advice, kind words and virtual hugs accepted

    @k3at We are going through a similar situation. At first, we talked to her about it and formulated a plan, hoping to give her the space to manage her time on her own. This did not work so we went to Plan B, which was to restrict all her distractions. This included: - Internet access. She's...