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  1. H

    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @brendamrtnz0 I could probably eat 5 rn
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @theunfaithful Unfortunately they don’t make hasbrowns this late- so I got fries!!
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @lorriep Omg!! I’m so sorry!
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @weeklyclan You go girl 😂😂
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @fisha I’ve never felt so welcomed. 🤣🤣
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @clados Oh no I’ve told my husband to get several
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @heartbroken001 YOU ARE AN ANGEL
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @heartbroken001 WOW that sounds so good
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @lackadaisical That sounds so good. 🥲 thank you!
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    @achristianinaction Thank you 🥹
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    7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

    That’s all. That’s the tea.
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    Breastfeeding didn’t work out but I’m happy about it now

    @kent2schmid Tell her that having a newborn IN GENERAL is extremely hard. So many new life changes. On top of that we are going through mental and physical changes postpartum. WE ARE CHAMPS. Regardless of how our babies are fed. She is doing a great job!!!!!!
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    Breastfeeding didn’t work out but I’m happy about it now

    @katrina2017 My OB said once you see kids running around on the playground you’ll never know which ones were formula fed or breastfed. As long as they were fed!
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    Breastfeeding didn’t work out but I’m happy about it now

    @kent2schmid That’s awesome! I highly respect women who EBF or pump because it’s so so hard. But if it’s not working out IT’S OKAY! My husband also enjoys being able to feed our son. It’s bonding for them too!
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    Breastfeeding didn’t work out but I’m happy about it now

    My son is 7 weeks old and is on formula primarily (I pump a few ounces a day). And honestly… I’m so happy about it. It’s not what I had originally planned or thought would be the case, but I’m realizing how much better this is for us. I love how much my husband can help with feeding. I can go...