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  1. S

    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @aforgivenman Yes that’s why I don’t trust people when they say they’re glad they had more kids (as a reason for me to have another). It’s really hard to get an objective perspective when the child already exists. I don’t know anyone who would wish their child, whom they already know and love...
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @servewithlove Same, I really appreciate the honestly in that post. People I know IRL don't really talk about how hard it is, maybe because they don't want to discourage me from having a second. (Joke's on them, I've already made up my mind to be OAD!)
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    F U one liners for more kids

    @mcc873 God those questions suck. Do they know you went through IVF? I used to get those questions all the time, from people who knew of my history of miscarriage. Fuck ‘em all. My go to is “Why do you ask? Are you thinking about having another baby yourself?” (The less likely this is, the...
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    I don’t get why people want more than one

    @olivemcr Same! A friend just announced she’s expecting her second. It’ll be a 17 month age gap. I’m happy she’s happy, but when I look at my 18 month son and think about adding a newborn to the mix… I have a visceral reaction of being so relieved that it’s not me.