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  1. J

    I’m 19 and my mom won’t let me stay the night with my boyfriend

    @bestofdays What does that change? Who cares why you are still at home. There is a rule. You don't like it. You can either chose to accept it or change your situation so that it doesn't affect you. These are the mature options. What else are you going to do? Whine and bitch about it like a...
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    Parents of teen drivers

    @cal My teens bought their own cars with the $$ they made from their own jobs. I didn't monitor their driving, we have graduated licenses here... I figured that, plus having to pay for their car/insurance/gas etc would keep them in check. And it has so far.
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    I’m 19 and my mom won’t let me stay the night with my boyfriend

    @bestofdays If you think it is silly, stand up for youself by getting a job or a student loan, an apartment and live by your own rules. Boom! Problem solved. If you don't want to put in the hard work of a job while studying...or being screwed over by student loans later in life; follow the...
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    Dad flips out on teens asking to go to skatepark

    @applegold What have you done around the house to deserve a ride? Did you clean the kitchen or a bsthroom or do some laundry? If your parents have to take time out of their day to drive your butt to the park then the least you can do is 'make up' that missed time. Its 20 minutes there and back...
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    14 yo son called me a b***h

    @pastorben This is absolutely the right answer...a teenager saying fuck you, or you're a bitch is the exact same energy as a 3ry old calling you a poopyhead and saying I hate you, you're a mean mom. Which means... don't lose your shit at the kid, dont escalate the situation like everyone is...
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    Cut from track team due to going away for Christmas vacation?

    @gringolobo Absolutely. Cross training (ie a ski trip) and rest and family support are as important as being part of a team. That coach is whack.
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @signsofthetimes Focus on your own kid..and leave the girl alone. She obviously has enough issues in her life to contend with if she has come to the conclusion that this is reasonable behavior. Again, focus on YOUR kid.