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  1. T

    The moment you realize you’ve made it is when your baby will have the dad you didn’t

    @garry25 Yes, yes, yes, yes! My husband grew up in a very .. traditional gender roles kind of family. His mom would definitely tell me to cook and change the diapers while he reads the newspaper. And he sometimes says things that catch me off guard. For example, he comes into the kitchen as I’m...
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    How do I build a Faraday cage around the bathroom?

    @emilyd I usually don’t like when people jump straight to divorce in Reddit comments but this one does sound like a leech…
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @dayssola I’ve been starting to sing recently too. When he screams and i can’t with the noise, i start singing a major scale slowly up and down one note at a time, and it helps us calm down. My parents made fun of my voice so I’ve always been shy about it and stopped singing very young, but i...
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @apostolicfaithone1 Holy shite, I cannot thank you enough. I was raised by CIO parents, abusive, manipulative, physical, and dismissive when I seeked help for being SAed and threatened by another family member. I am now (obviously) dealing with crippling CPTSD, albeit self-diagnosed. My husband...
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    How do I build a Faraday cage around the bathroom?

    @neal000 Lmao I skipped yesterday’s wordle because I forgot to do it the day before and lost my streak. I was pissed off. Still am.
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    How do I build a Faraday cage around the bathroom?

    @jblazy Don’t want to be that person but it’s voila, o before i. Viola is an instrument, like a bigger violin.