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    @believetheword Oh gosh I feel you on this. My other kids I nursed until past 12m, but this time I don’t think I’ll make it if my body stays exactly the same. Congrats on the loss so far! Nice to feel some progress
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    @aristilis Sooo frustrating. I mean, I guess it’s hormones and biology, but it’s so hard to accept
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    @pugmama Oh yeah I’ve gained at times too. And yeah, I’m sure this is our bodies way of keeping supply up but ughhhh
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    Ugh I just need to vent. I’ve been literally the same weight since I lost the initial bunch immediately postpartum. I exercise 3x/w, eat well and it’s just STAGNANT. I’m EBFing, and this is my third so I remember that I’m likely to stay this weight until I stop BFing as this is how it went w the...