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  1. B

    Am I a terrible wife for not staying up late with my husband?

    @jramos1996 We are in the opposite situations. I am a raging insomniac, I used to work 2nd and 3rd shift and now that I’m a SAHM, if I get to bed before 1 AM, I consider it a success. My husband has to wake up at the crack of dawn for work. Do I sometimes get annoyed that he goes to bed at the...
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    Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

    @mymichelle21 I begged my father to not buy my daughter plastic crap for Easter. Please. I don’t want more junk in my house or in a landfill. I don’t want to deal with my child getting overly attached to a cheap toy that she’s going to break within a week and then cry about for two more weeks...
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    Breastfeeding makes some women sad. We need to talk about it

    @admiradea I’m unable to read the article, but breastfeeding hormones caused me to have postpartum psychosis. I was brushed off by at least 6 professionals when I tried to get help. It took forever to find a therapist who took me seriously, and it was only after I had stopped breastfeeding and...
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    I am team crib til college. Change my mind

    @rinalamb Yeah. We had to convert the crib at I think 15 months? due to having a giant kid who was hell bent on climbing out. And then she would just climb in bed with me every night because she wasn’t trapped in the baby jail anymore. Sigh.
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    I’m over my hypochondriac A/C hating husband

    @b_eves4god Same with where I live! So many places don’t have AC but I insisted we spend the extra for one that did. We keep it set on 74 and that’s still warmer than I’d like- I can’t imagine how bad it would have been with no AC when it recently went over 100 degrees. No thank you.
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    I did nothing. I feel some justice but still shitty

    @llynell Projection. They’re constantly being manipulative, so they assume other people are doing the same thing. It’s just like how cheaters accuse the other person of cheating.