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  1. Y

    With all the discussion regarding weight gain, would anyone like to be my friend on MyFitnessPal?

    @greg0ry Joined! Is there an easy way to add recipes? I feel like adding an entire meal is a huge pain, unless I'm missing something.
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    Stupid Inlaw Rant or should I say DuHsband Rant?

    @bolfun4k Oh my gawwwd he's so dense. Have you tried hitting him with a heavy object? Iron skillet or shovel? Or maybe is his mom dying of some incurable disease so you can be done with her soon? Blerg I don't know how you survive without bashing your head into a wall repeatedly.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @bunny22 See if they want to paint their nails and get henna tattoos lol
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    (Update) DHS Left A Card on My Door? (X-post from /r/Parenting

    @robert244 What?? If I dont see kids playing outside I dont assume they've been locked in their room?? What a strange and terrible thing to think/say/accuse..