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  1. W

    Baby is almost 6 months EFF and waking 2-3 x night to eat

    @cloud7eagle Haha exactly! It’s never a problem to lay him down at night for bed, but at nap time? Forget it. He’s my only one though so I don’t feel quite as inconvenienced as you do. I just tell myself he’s going to be my only one and won’t be this small and cuddly forever so just soak it...
  2. W

    Baby is almost 6 months EFF and waking 2-3 x night to eat

    @cloud7eagle We have the same baby 😂 I’m still looking for a remedy for this too, as soon as I try to lay him down he’s instantly awake.
  3. W

    Baby is almost 6 months EFF and waking 2-3 x night to eat

    @cloud7eagle I want to say it was between 4-6 months it was usually one with an occasional second. Once he started rolling to sleep on his side or belly we started co-sleeping and I feel like that helped, I think he was sometimes just looking for contact. I understand co-sleeping is...
  4. W

    Baby is almost 6 months EFF and waking 2-3 x night to eat

    @cloud7eagle I have no advice, but my son will be a year old next month, also formula fed, and we’re still waking up once a night for a bottle. He’s been on purées and we’re just now starting the transition to actual solids but still waking up for that bottle. I know another mom who’s daughter...