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  1. R

    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @krys89 He doesn’t have a paediatrician as we’re in the U.K. so the health system works very differently here. I will look into counselling further and perhaps suggest he meet a few people to see how he gets on.
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @krys89 That’s counselling through coercion which is massively ineffective in my opinion.
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @whiteknightnews I’m so sorry you’re struggling so much with your 14 year old. I really hope they’re open to counselling and uncovering what’s going on. Such a confusing time to be a teenager with such easy access to everything!
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @krys89 Yes I totally agree with you. I think he’s too young as well, but equally I’m not sure taking a really hard line approach and coercing him into counselling will only breed (more!) resentment which I think will be counter productive. I don’t think he’d use the counselling well if forced...
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @krys89 Also what counselling would you suggest? As my experience is that teens in particular don’t use therapy well if forced to go. He has been offered this before and declined it.
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @krys89 Unfortunately he got Christmas money from relatives that we didn’t know about. We are not funding this at all.
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @bogdan Totally agree with you! I’m not anti either but he’s just far too young. I’ve been clear with him about that already, but he seems to think he’s an adult!!
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @sammy707 I don’t know what delta eight is but I’ll look it up, thanks.
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @storm6979 I like this idea as it’s more realistic but I don’t know really if I’m comfortable with this at his age. He is just so young, although he’s a very mature 13 year old he’s still 13.
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @whiteknightnews I think that sounds like a sensible approach. Only issue I have right now with doing something similar is that my son is 13 and therefore (I think) way too young to be regularly taking any kind of drug and also, we’re in the U.K. where weed is not legal at all, so unless we...
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    @wt15 Thank you. I’m thinking this is a sensible approach. Good luck with your teen as well. Such a challenging time!
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    How to deal with a teen who’s smoking weed

    So our 13 year old has been buying and smoking weed despite us catching him a couple of times and talking with him about the risks, why we don’t want him doing it etc. He’s unsurprisingly lied about stopping and today we found out he was off to buy more. He’s now at home and I’m just stumped as...