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  1. N

    What’s wrong with my routine

    @neostarwcc She pees a TON so when she’s squirmy my first go to is to give her a dry diaper which has solved the issue in the past. I only give her water if she asks for it, and just a little in her cup. Otherwise I’m just shhhhing and trying to get her to fall back asleep.
  2. N

    What’s wrong with my routine

    @jessemorrell I think I’ll start with the one hour nap, maybe even 45 min. She’s such a terror without the nap that I feel like cutting it fully would be awful for everyone.
  3. N

    What’s wrong with my routine

    Yall. I’m struggling. My 2.5 year old’s sleep is horrific right now. I know a lot of it can be chalked up to development, molars, and just being two… but I’d like to make sure all my bases are covered from my end. I own a childcare program and we need to be there at 9am weekdays. I’m able to...