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  1. R

    How to Support a Highly Sensitive child?

    @saspian I needed to hear this today. We had a meltdown about going to kindergarten Sunday school this morning. I told him “I won’t force you to go but we can see how you feel when you get there and we can decide then.” He was still upset about the possibility of going until we got there. His...
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    Toddler ABC activities

    @joint_praise Have Fun Teaching also has a phonetic alphabet song where they just show a picture of the letter and say the sound. My son sings along with it so it definitely works
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    Nonstop Begging

    @salimpu Listen to the Unruffled podcast by Janet Lansbury. She has great advice on how to stay calm and stable even when your child is not. Because, let’s face it children are not known for being calm and stable. Once you accept and expect that children will have big emotions and reactions...
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    9 mo who has contact napped for the last 6 months is currently alone sleeping in her crib... Why am I sad? Lol

    @theonekingjesus I get this! I rock my 18 m old to sleep and have such a hard time laying him down in bed some days. He’s usually asleep in a few minutes but sometimes I’ll just sit there and hold him for 30 minutes. They’re so sweet when they sleep!
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    Need to vent

    @giangnt I am so angry for you. I don’t know how you’ll keep babysitting for their child and interacting with them. I’d be closer to calling the police. I’m from Mass living in a “spanking state,” too. Loose boundaries are hard to acclimate to, but if anyone laid a hand on my child I’d go...