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    I’m so sick of feeling like I’m always doing something wrong…

    @drawingangel2 “No honey I’m not putting your stinky cock in my mouth”
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    Are you OAD because you're scared of childbirth? C-sec to VBAC

    @stewy0042 Yeah a little, similar experience but no csection. My main thing was my body post partum went wild. I suddenly had every symptom of preeclampsia, swollen painful legs, heart beat sky rocketing, barf. It was scary
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @ajewelinhiscrown Dang that really sucks. Y’all need to work on communicating. No blame it just helps so much when you have a partner that can hear “honey this is a bad idea” without raging. I’ve been on both sides of this fight, but come on towing a sick fam to the woods is a dumb idea lady lol
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    She is one and done but I am a fencesitter, need some opinions

    @mmtb34 A kid should be fully wanted, and not just as a companion. Tired of hearing that line. Siblings are not forever friends. My father just buried his mother last week and his sister (who was the main caregiver) has never been so lonely. My dad is not a support system. I have 2 siblings...
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    SAHPs, I Keep Messing Up and I'm Embarrassed. I Need to Fix This

    @ajewelinhiscrown You’re stretched VERY thin. There is only so much you can do. That schedule with that many kids and only one adult is hard. How are you surviving without help is the question. No chance you can hire a local teen to help out? Maybe just w some basic tidying and walking kids...